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Flatford Road Gasworks

OO Gauge DCC

The OO Gauge group have embarked on a new project, fully DCC and using JMRI as well, the layout is called "Flatford Road Gasworks" based very loosely on a plan one of our members produced of the old Gasworks & Malthouse at Brentwood, modellers license applies here as space limitations always get in the way. Baseboards have been sourced from Grainge & Hodder in the West Midlands, being laser cut for absolute accuracy giving us a secure and stable base to work with. 

The build is already underway and you can follow the progress here and on our social media feed, The layout made its first operational apperence at our show in August 2024, performing very well. We are working with a very tight schedule for such a large undertaking, but we will do our best! and it is our intention to add to the images below to show progress as progress is made.

You too could also become involved by joining the club, pop over to the contact us page to arrange a visit. 

New Year, More Work

Monday 6th November 2024
Having returned this week from the christmas and new year jollyments, we have been very busy over the holiday break, even though the club has been closed for a few weeks, we have been working from home! many ideas having been discussed and tests undertaken, the wiring as we said in our last update has been completed, although we will issue our modellers license here, as we keep coming up with ideas, and other improvments to enhance the experience both for the viewer, and also the operator. Lets talk about a couple of them. We have also been very busy bashing the computers and wrangling our way around 3d printing to produce some at least reasonable represetations of models we need for the layout. 
Firstly, the layout can be operated in a number of ways, traditional DCC using a handset or three, but we have also added a wifi interface, so it can also be operated using a tablet or mobile phone with the appropriate app installed many member actually have used this option more often than the traditional handset option. How technology changes eh! Whilst on the subject of tech, we are now working on fully operational signals using MERG servo4 boards which are in turn controlled by the block detectors, so the signals can operate in a more prototypical way, this project is very much a work in progress with much more work to do refineing and getting signals built, at this time we are currently using a ratio kit for the testing, the final signals will be fully removable and made of etched brass. 
As said earlier we have also been very busy bashing the computers and wrangling our way around 3d printing, as we showed some time back we produced a large number of items to hold wiring elements (WAGO connectors) in many differing forms, singles, doubles, triples ect ect, each one was custom made for the intended purpose, this led on the turnout servo holders for the fiddle boards, and even of the some of the scenic structures, so far we have the gasholder barrel under construction, the engine sheds water tank and the gasholders outer skelatal framework in the process. pictures of which are below.
There are many more sturctures to complete, some are mearly ideas at this stage, others have some work already drawn up in 3d cad.
​ printing time is the bottleneck here, for example, the other skelatal gasholder structure, is printed in two parts, as it will not fit in the printer otherwise, that alone took 2 days to complete. each level of the gasholder itself, took over 8hrs to print.

Dr track will see you now.

Monday 4th November 2024
We have been so busy working on the layout over the last months, we have neglected to update as much as we would have hoped to. We will try harder!
But that said, we do have an update...
Since our last update, we have finished the wiring on the layout, with just the fiddle yard turnouts to complete in the next week or two, these have been a problem, with the rather expensive turnouts we had hoped to be using causeing many issues with derailments, only on one of the two units mind... well the less said about it the better, other than we did not expect one of them to start falling apart, would we recommend going forward, No.
For the time being tthey do make some nice wall art! 
So, those thurnouts removed, we have popped in place four medium radius turnouts until we can find a suitable solution to the issues with them.
These are working and the servo control is being installed and configured at the moment, with one end already completed.
We have also discussed extending before we get to far advanced with any scenic developments, so that in mind we priced up and got the permission to order the boards needed from Grainge & Hodder, the layout now grows from 18ft to 24ft or another full board length (1220mm) for the rear, and 2 x 600mm boards for the front, one at each end, all the additional hardware required, locating dowels, catches, bolts etc are already in stock ready for construction when they arrive.
The final wiring items have now been fully installed, as we have said previously, the mainline turnouts have DCC Concepts Colbalt IPConfig motors fitted, we have fitted block detection with feedback to the virtual signal boxes located on tablet computers, this has also allowed conflicting moves to be programmed out so there should not be any accidents!, That said someone is bound to find a way!
We have also fitted Automatic Brake Controller (ABC) sections leading to signals, and two multiplexed DCC turnout controllers to operate the tortoise switch machines that are used in the yard. 

Over the next few weeks we are planning to coincide with the new boards build, to extend a few of the sidings to improve our operation. we had noted from our show in august and subsiquent running/training sessions that some areas needed a little more flexibility. 

In just 8months from bare boards to operational working layout, with the team working for around 10hrs a week on Monday and Thursday evenings, with full digital control, either from a traditional handset, tablet computer or mobile phone.

Its alive !!!!!

Monday 23rd July 2024
Apologies, It's been a while, But we have been very busy...
Monday evening was a moment we have been working towards for quite a few weeks, with no less than three members using their 3d printers to make various bit for the Wago terminal blocks which we have used for the wiring. So the "first fix" wiring is completed and trains have been running, there are of course a few niggles to iron out, but we expected that and these will be sorted by the time you see the layout at our show in its Work in Progress form on Saturday 3rd & Sunday 4th August and Thorpe Hall Schools Seaglass Centre. the team behind this have worked tirelessly pulling wires, terminating and fitted connectors over the past two months, we invite anyone to have a look under the layout to see what we have done, we of course will post pictures too...
Overall though, we are very pleased so far, we have the first seven Cobalt IP Digitals with more turnout motors to be installed after the show.

Wiring continues!

Monday 4th July 2024
It's been a while, But we have been very busy...
we have decided that we didnt like railways anymore and took up knitting, but then we also decided over a loverly cup o tea, and some apple turnovers with fresh cream, that knitting was not for us and turned our heads to wiring the layout.. we have been ultra busy with this task, shame its all hidden really!
We have made use of three members 3d printers to make various types of "Wago" terminal blocks mounts which we have used for the wiring. and started fitting turnout motors, the fiddle yard trackwork is also completed, but will require some work as we have identified and issue which needs to be addressed in the future.

Scenic section Trackwork Completed!

Tuesday 28h May, Its been a couple of weeks since we posted last, We hope you all had a great Bank Holiday weekend, We moved our normal Monday Club Night to Tuesday as it was yet another Bank Holiday, Not many members showed up in the club this evening, so those that were there cracked on with the work in hand, some were completing track laying, some were doing wiring on other boards, by the end of the evening were are pleased to say, that all the scenic section trackwork is now laid. 
The track gangers have moved on to there next project, Curves, some of the track on the curves needs to be fettled a little, this was started this evening, IN a week of so, we expect to be on the fiddle yard boards, completing the track laying there in very quick order.
A number of the boards wiring is underway, there will be more coverage on this subject over the next few weeks we hope.

Even more progress!

Thursday 9th May, Its been a while since we posted last, but we thought we would update where we are at, so much has been happening, besides the bank holiday the same small team have been busy bevering away down the clubhouse, continuing with the track laying, both curves are now completed, wiring is underway on those. The scenic section is taking a large number of hours to get completely right as it is critical that alignments are perfect for reliable running, as you can see in the pictures below, we have made some big advances, the fiddle yard track is in place, although not secured as yet, that job will happen right after the scenic section track is completed.

Scenic section progress!

Thursday 11th April, a small team down the clubhouse, continued work on the track laying, completing the first curve between the scenic section and the fiddle yard, this section has taken a number of hours to get completely right and is critical for reliable running, with this end done, the guys will move to the other end and repeat the works there, once this is completed we will be able to be erect the end boards independently of the fiddle yard and scenic sections, for extensive testing. This evening even saw the first DCC powered loco running on the track, the fiddle yard track is somewhat dirty and has now been cleaned but the initial tests look very encouraging as everything worked as expected.

First Track down!

Thursday 28th March saw a small team down the clubhouse, starting work on laying track, deciding to start on the most challenging bit first, the interface between the scenic section and one of the curve boards, this area is critical to be correct and it underpins the bigger picture. Which is that the end circular boards will when completed be able to be erected independently of the fiddle yard and scenic sections. The primary Gas Holder is slowly taking shaped as is part of the main retort, the chimney, there is a very long way to go with the structures and whilst these are underway we hope to bring you regular progress updates as we go....

Underlay on the curved boards nearly completed!

Monday 11th March saw the underlay on the curved boards being cut, glued and laid, the work on the primary Gasholder has started. Only 11 more sides to go. Once main frame built, cylinders come next then finishing touches such as hand rails and top tension wiring, all the track for the scenic section has now been acquired and is ready to be laid once the track on the 6 curved boards is done, we have decided to do that first, so we theoretically have a circle completed that members can start using in the next few weeks, this will help with the members giving there DCC stock a run, hopeful ironing out any running issues as we go....

Trackwork build continues

Monday 4th March saw the trackwork build continue and as we said on the last update "success of any track are its underpinnings", we continued to lay underlay, as you will see in the pictures. More building have appeared and some fettling needed to be undertaken, So, the fiddle boards have been fitted with there underlay, just the curve boards to go.

Trackwork build started

Monday 12th February saw the trackwork build start, as with any layout the success of any track are its underpinnings, we have chosen to use a very light and yet stable product for our underlay, 5mm XPS extruded foam, very easy to work with the underlay started to be cut and fixed to the scenic section boards. We will have more pictures of that next time,
In further developments yet another parcel is winging is way to us as you read this, this parcel contains the two custom 2into6 turnout assemblies we commissioned to have built.

These feature 2 tracks into 6 tracks in around 18inches the shortest possible length that it could be. and features 2 double slips, 2 three way and a short crossover all expertly blended together to make a single homogenous unit. These are ready to lay, fully wired and tested both for DC or DCC operation, and whilst reasonably expensive do actually represent very good value for the money, being not much more than the actual price of the individual parts prices. 


Three More Curved boards

Friday 9th February saw another parcel arrive from our friends at Grainge & Hodder, This parcel contained the final three curved boards essentially completing the full circuit, Three of the team met of Friday late afternoon and made very short work of assembling them, in fact we were so busy putting them together we totally forgot to take any pictures. But look back to the previous post on Curved Baseboard and you'll get the idea.  

Update - 30-01-2024

Trackplan Finally Discussions

Monday 30th January saw members of our team discussing the final track plan, having decided on the tweaks we felt were required the final track plan was shown in place on the boards, along with few temporary building placed with a few pieces of stock added for scale.

Trackplan Discussions

Monday 15th January saw members of our team discussing the track plan, we have decided that it needs a few tweaks here and there. These will be attended to and a further track plan produced for discussion and hopefully finalisation. as the pictures show there was a quite number of members involved and every viewpoint was listened to.  

Further legwork for the fiddle and curved Boards

Tuesday 2nd January saw two members our the team attended to the rest of the legs, for the 1200mm x 400mm fiddle boards and also the three curved boards, they have produced the legs for these boards in the same way as the previous boards, making the whole structure very rigid indeed. 

Baseboard Legs

So, as the club is officially closed for Christmas and New Year celebrations, three of the team being at a loose end decided that they would pop down and make a start on constructing the legs for the boards, as you can see we made some headway on the leg assembly. We had already decided that traditional 2"x1" PAR would be sufficient along with two cross braces, these braces being 9mm ply, these braces also carry the load from the side frames, rather than the tops of the legs pressing on the underside of the boards top surface, as we do not want any vertical loading deforming the tops of the boards. 
So as you will see, we had a productive day, managing to get the front boards completed and standing on there legs.

The pictures show some of the steps taken to achieve that, we however still have 6 more boards to do, three straight and the 3 curved baseboards, These curved boards need a bit of thinking about as we cannot apply the same as we have applied to the straight boards.


Curved Baseboards

So moving on to the Curved baseboards, These are very cleverly designed, Curving baseboard side frames is known for its difficulty, but the strengthening that has been designed in from the get go and the use of thinner MDF sections for the side frames on the curves made this much easier to do, as can be seen in the pictures. That said it still took two club nights to complete mainly due to allowing glue to set, even though these are the only boards that are pinned. It was also that we decided to do them on Monday club nights and with so many distractions taking place slowed progress right down, but other team members were very interested in the construction and we did not want to deny them learning something new.
By the end of the second Monday meeting we got that task completed.

Once most members having gone home, we also set out the boards on the floor to get a better idea of the footprint, Wow.

Basic Assembly of the Boards

Since the delivery of the boards and following on from a dry build of the 1200 x 600 boards and looking over all the parts, we moved on to assembly of the straight boards first.
Now it can be very busy in the clubhouse, with many members all taking a very strong interest in what's going on, so it was decided that a few members would gather on a Saturday and start assembly, space allocated and tools as required were gathers, and we cracked on with the task.
As you will see in the pictures we did not hang around, by the end of the first Saturday work party we had all the straight boards completed.

Grainge & Hodder Baseboards

As a team we had some very lengthy discussions about the project, it was agreed that from the very outset that we wanted total accuracy with the baseboards as well as lightweight as none of us are getting any younger, this was achieved with the fantastic laser cut plywood baseboards from Grainge and Hodder in the West Midlands.
Once we were absolutely clear what we required from our extensive planning, we placed our order, as with anything specially ordered in there is a lead time, this was very reasonable.
The parcel duly arrived in perfect condition although we don't think the delivery person was particularly happy or healthy after delivering the box, considering it weighed in at 25kg and was 1200mm x 600mm in size. 
We have included some pictures showing the 3d CAD renders, these helped enormously in the decision making process as did many photos around the interwebs of the boards, and matched the actual boards that were received.
We could not believe that 9 baseboards fitted in that box, outstanding packing from the tetrix wizard at Grainge and Hodder, well done Grainge and Hodder.

We are very pleased...

©2024 Shoeburyness Model Railway Club.

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